

First-time Entrepreneurs in India

Posted on Sunday, Oct 28th 2007

Aparna Chennapragada is a graduate student at MIT’s Sloan School of Business, who is doing a research project on the challenges in building technology startups in India. As part of her research, she is looking to interview Indian entrepreneurs, particularly first-time entrepreneurs, for their perspectives.

From an entrepreneur’s view, some of the issues she is exploring are – the unique challenges faced by first-time entrepreneurs, issues in attracting and retaining the early team, nature of external mentors and advisors, the rationale of product/market choices, importance of access to US entrepreneurs, the factors for the venture’s success (or more likely) failure, etc.

If you are a first-time entrepreneur in India, Aparna would love to interview you. Please get in touch with her at aparna sloan . mit . edu.

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