Sridhar Vembu is the CEO of Zoho, which bootstrapped to over $50 million in annual revenue. Here is his review:
“In Vision India 2020, Sramana Mitra provides not a recipe for success, neither a roadmap to transform India. She does something far better than that: Sramana paints what could emerge out of India in the years to come. While 10 years is a very aggressive goal, I firmly believe that the vision she paints can be achieved within the span of a generation. We could see this turn into a reality within our lifespan! There are many things that we require to get there, and I agree with many of the concepts that Sramana describes in her book. For example, the concept of hiring for attitude and training for skill is something we’ve done since the beginning at Zoho. I have also said (repeatedly) that the only way to economic and social development is entrepreneurship and innovation, not governmental aid and intervention. In fact, the Convert chapter shares many similarities to what we are doing and building at Zoho, right down to our vision for Contextual Integration. I am sure there are many other entrepreneurs working on many of the other areas that Sramana highlights. We can slowly turn the vision into a reality. This is a book worth reading for inspiration of what can be, if we allow ourselves to believe in it.”
And some more nice reviews of Vision India 2020 were posted on Amazon this week. From J. Powell:
“Perfect ‘think tank’ idea generator.
I was pleased when I found that these are all very short business cases for potential businesses that can be born out of the use of internet technologies.
The writing is crisp, clean, and clearly thought out.
This is a great ‘futurists’ guide for generating some ideas around potential businesses in any country.”
From Angela Hey’s review:
“Sramana vividly describes how to get each venture underway providing a practical guide for entrepreneurs wanting to start a business and for corporations looking to expand in new markets. The book is full of ideas for graduating students who want to work in companies likely to gain traction and grow.
I suggest reading this book with a search engine at your side so you can delve deeper into any of the book’s many ideas. Sramana leads you down some delightful paths as she draws on her deep rolodex, knowledge of industry trends and experience in guiding ventures.
Vision India 2020 is a book of big ideas. Ideas to implement, ideas to enrich and ideas to renew.”
You can read this entire review here.
Vision India 2020 by Sramana Mitra is available from in paperback and Kindle, from Flipkart in India, and from in all e-book formats.
This segment is a part in the series : Vision India 2020 Book Review