

Thought Leaders In Cloud Computing: Introduction

Posted on Monday, Jul 26th 2010

By guest author Shaloo Shalini

Cloud computing is poised delicately on the peak of the Gartner Hype Cycle, holding a lot of promise but also characterized by several known limitations and unknowns. The sector is probably ready to slide down the trough of reality.

We are launching a new series – Thought Leaders in Cloud Computing (TLCC) – on this blog. As part of this series, Sramana is talking to top IT executives at various organizations to share their perceptions of how cloud computing is shaping the IT industry. Topics covered will include cloud adoption, cloud-based business models, private vs. public clouds, integration, standardization, security, new markets and opportunities, and others.

This series will cover the adoption of cloud across SMBs, mid-sized, and Fortune 500 companies from diverse verticals such as tech, finance, healthcare, government, and manufacturing. Most important, and as part of her 1M/1M global initiative, Sramana is brainstorming ideas on entrepreneurial opportunities in the cloud.

We hope that you will enjoy the series, and weigh in with your thoughts, ideas, and questions!

This segment is a part in the series : Thought Leaders In Cloud Computing

. Introduction
. Overview
. Pat Toole, CIO Of IBM (Part 1)
. Pat Toole, CIO Of IBM (Part 2)
. Pat Toole, CIO Of IBM (Part 3)
. Pat Toole, CIO Of IBM (Part 4)
. Pat Toole, CIO Of IBM (Part 5)
. Mark Settle, CIO Of BMC (Part 1)
. Mark Settle, CIO Of BMC (Part 2)
. Fred van den Bosch, CEO Of Librato (Part 1)
. Mark Settle, CIO Of BMC (Part 3)
. Fred van den Bosch, CEO Of Librato (Part 2)
. Mark Settle, CIO Of BMC (Part 4)
. Fred van den Bosch, CEO Of Librato (Part 3)
. Fred van den Bosch, CEO Of Librato (Part 4)
. Mark Settle, CIO Of BMC (Part 5)
. Mark Settle, CIO Of BMC (Part 6)
. Fred van den Bosch, CEO Of Librato (Part 5)
. Fred van den Bosch, CEO Of Librato (Part 6)
. Mark Settle, CIO Of BMC (Part 7)
. Fred van den Bosch, CEO Of Librato (Part 7)
. Nati Shalom, CTO Of GigaSpaces (Part 1)
. Nati Shalom, CTO Of GigaSpaces (Part 2)
. Nati Shalom, CTO Of GigaSpaces (Part 3)
. Nati Shalom, CTO Of GigaSpaces (Part 4)
. Nati Shalom, CTO Of GigaSpaces (Part 5)
. José Almandoz, CIO Of Novell (Part 1)
. Nati Shalom, CTO Of GigaSpaces (Part 6)
. José Almandoz, CIO Of Novell (Part 2)
. Nati Shalom, CTO Of GigaSpaces (Part 7)
. Ric Telford, Vice President Of Cloud Services, IBM (Part 1)
. José Almandoz, CIO Of Novell (Part 3)
. José Almandoz, CIO Of Novell (Part 4)
. Ric Telford, Vice President Of Cloud Services, IBM (Part 2)
. José Almandoz, CIO Of Novell (Part 5)
. Ric Telford, Vice President Of Cloud Services, IBM (Part 3)
. Ric Telford, Vice President Of Cloud Services, IBM (Part 4)
. José Almandoz, CIO Of Novell (Part 6)
. Ric Telford, Vice President Of Cloud Services, IBM (Part 5)
. José Almandoz, CIO Of Novell (Part 7)
. Ric Telford, Vice President Of Cloud Services, IBM (Part 6)
. Michael Aginsky, CTO Of Gibbons P.C. (Part 1)
. Michael Aginsky, CTO Of Gibbons P.C. (Part 2)
. Ric Telford, Vice President Of Cloud Services, IBM (Part 7)
. Ric Telford, Vice President Of Cloud Services, IBM (Part 8)
. Michael Aginsky, CTO Of Gibbons P.C. (Part 3)
. Michael Aginsky, CTO Of Gibbons P.C. (Part 4)
. Mark White, CTO Of Deloitte (Part 1)
. Michael Aginsky, CTO Of Gibbons P.C. (Part 5)
. Mark White, CTO Of Deloitte (Part 2)
. Michael Aginsky, CTO Of Gibbons P.C. (Part 6)
. Mark White, CTO Of Deloitte (Part 3)
. Michael Aginsky, CTO Of Gibbons P.C. (Part 7)
. Mark White, CTO Of Deloitte (Part 4)
. Mark White, CTO Of Deloitte (Part 5)
. Dennis Hodges, CIO Of Inteva (Part 1)
. Mark White, CTO Of Deloitte (Part 6)
. Dennis Hodges, CIO Of Inteva (Part 2)
. Mark White, CTO Of Deloitte (Part 7)
. Dennis Hodges, CIO Of Inteva (Part 3)
. Mark White, CTO Of Deloitte (Part 8)
. Dennis Hodges, CIO Of Inteva (Part 4)
. Dennis Hodges, CIO Of Inteva (Part 5)
. Mark White, CTO Of Deloitte (Part 9)
. Dr. Marcos Athanasoulis, Harvard Medical School (Part 1)
. Dennis Hodges, CIO Of Inteva (Part 6)
. Dennis Hodges, CIO Of Inteva (Part 7)
. Dr. Marcos Athanasoulis, Harvard Medical School (Part 2)
. Dr. Marcos Athanasoulis, Harvard Medical School (Part 3)
. Dr. Marcos Athanasoulis, Harvard Medical School (Part 4)
. Dr. Marcos Athanasoulis, Harvard Medical School (Part 5)
. Donald Ferguson, CTO of CA Technologies (Part 1)
. Dr. Marcos Athanasoulis, Harvard Medical School (Part 6)
. Donald Ferguson, CTO of CA Technologies (Part 2)
. Dr. Marcos Athanasoulis, Harvard Medical School (Part 7)
. Donald Ferguson, CTO of CA Technologies (Part 3)
. Donald Ferguson, CTO of CA Technologies (Part 4)
. Donald Ferguson, CTO of CA Technologies (Part 5)
. Donald Ferguson, CTO of CA Technologies (Part 6)
. Donald Ferguson, CTO of CA Technologies (Part 7)
. Donald Ferguson, CTO of CA Technologies (Part 8)
. Donald Ferguson, CTO of CA Technologies (Part 9)
. James Dunlap, President Of Cycle30 (Part 1)
. James Dunlap, President of Cycle30 (Part 2)
. James Dunlap, President of Cycle30 (Part 3)
. James Dunlap, President of Cycle30 (Part 4)
. James Dunlap, President of Cycle30 (Part 5)
. James Dunlap, President of Cycle30 (Part 6)
. James Dunlap, President of Cycle30 (Part 7)
. Steven Smith, President And CEO, Gcommerce Inc. (Part 1)
. Steven Smith, President And CEO, Gcommerce Inc. (Part 2)
. Steven Smith, President And CEO, Gcommerce Inc. (Part 3)
. Steven Smith, President And CEO, Gcommerce Inc. (Part 4)
. Steven Smith, President And CEO, Gcommerce Inc. (Part 5)
. Steven Smith, President And CEO, Gcommerce Inc. (Part 6)
. Steven Smith, President And CEO, Gcommerce Inc. (Part 7)
. Rajan Nagarajan, CIO, Mahindra Satyam (Part 1)
. Rajan Nagarajan, CIO, Mahindra Satyam (Part 2)
. Rajan Nagarajan, CIO, Mahindra Satyam (Part 3)
. Rajan Nagarajan, CIO, Mahindra Satyam (Part 4)
. Rajan Nagarajan, CIO, Mahindra Satyam (Part 5)
. Rajan Nagarajan, CIO, Mahindra Satyam (Part 6)
. Paul Stamas, VP of IT, Mohawk Fine Papers (Part 1)
. Rajan Nagarajan, CIO, Mahindra Satyam (Part 7)
. Paul Stamas, VP of IT, Mohawk Fine Papers (Part 2)
. Paul Stamas, VP of IT, Mohawk Fine Papers (Part 3)
. Paul Stamas, VP of IT, Mohawk Fine Papers (Part 4)
. Paul Stamas, VP of IT, Mohawk Fine Papers (Part 5)
. Paul Stamas, VP of IT, Mohawk Fine Papers (Part 6)
. Paul Stamas, VP of IT, Mohawk Fine Papers (Part 7)
. Paul Stamas, VP of IT, Mohawk Fine Papers (Part 8)
. Paul Stamas, VP of IT, Mohawk Fine Papers (Part 9)
. Scott Martin, CIO Of Nonni’s Food Company (Part 1)
. Scott Martin, CIO Of Nonni’s Food Company (Part 2)
. Scott Martin, CIO Of Nonni’s Food Company (Part 3)
. Scott Martin, CIO Of Nonni’s Food Company (Part 4)
. Scott Martin, CIO Of Nonni’s Food Company (Part 5)
. Scott Martin, CIO Of Nonni’s Food Company (Part 6)
. Scott Martin, CIO Of Nonni’s Food Company (Part 7)
. Dr. Reed Sheard, CIO Of Westmont College (Part 1)
. Dr. Reed Sheard, CIO Of Westmont College (Part 2)
. Dr. Reed Sheard, CIO Of Westmont College (Part 3)
. Dr. Reed Sheard, CIO Of Westmont College (Part 4)
. Dr. Reed Sheard, CIO Of Westmont College (Part 5)
. Dr. Reed Sheard, CIO Of Westmont College (Part 6)
. Dr. Reed Sheard, CIO Of Westmont College (Part 7)
. Sanjay Mirchandani, CIO of EMC (Part 1)
. Sanjay Mirchandani, CIO of EMC (Part 2)
. Sanjay Mirchandani, CIO of EMC (Part 3)
. Sanjay Mirchandani, CIO of EMC (Part 4)
. Sanjay Mirchandani, CIO of EMC (Part 5)
. Sanjay Mirchandani, CIO of EMC (Part 6)
. Sanjay Mirchandani, CIO of EMC (Part 7)
. Dave Hart, CTO and EVP, Presidio (Part 1)
. Dave Hart, CTO and EVP, Presidio (Part 2)
. Dave Hart, CTO and EVP, Presidio (Part 3)
. Dave Hart, CTO and EVP, Presidio (Part 4)
. Dave Hart, CTO and EVP, Presidio (Part 5)
. Dave Hart, CTO and EVP, Presidio (Part 6)
. Dave Hart, CTO and EVP, Presidio (Part 7)
. Martin Silverman, Director IT at EvensonBest (Part 1)
. Martin Silverman, Director IT at EvensonBest (Part 2)
. Alan Perkins, CIO of Altium (Part 1)
. Martin Silverman, Director IT at EvensonBest (Part 3)
. Alan Perkins, CIO of Altium (Part 2)
. Martin Silverman, Director IT at EvensonBest (Part 4)
. Alan Perkins, CIO of Altium (Part 3)
. Alan Perkins, CIO of Altium (Part 4)
. Martin Silverman, Director IT at EvensonBest (Part 5)
. Martin Silverman, Director IT at EvensonBest (Part 6)
. Alan Perkins, CIO of Altium (Part 5)
. Martin Silverman, Director IT at EvensonBest (Part 7)
. Alan Perkins, CIO of Altium (Part 6)
. Alan Perkins, CIO of Altium (Part 7)
. Carol Kline, CIO Of TeleTech (Part 1)
. Carol Kline, CIO Of TeleTech (Part 2)
. Carol Kline, CIO Of TeleTech (Part 3)
. Carol Kline, CIO Of TeleTech (Part 4)
. Carol Kline, CIO Of TeleTech (Part 5)
. Carol Kline, CIO Of TeleTech (Part 6)
. Carol Kline, CIO Of TeleTech (Part 7)
. Doug Menefee, CIO of Schumacher Group (Part 1)
. Doug Menefee, CIO of Schumacher Group (Part 2)
. Doug Menefee, CIO of Schumacher Group (Part 3)
. Doug Menefee, CIO of Schumacher Group (Part 4)
. Doug Menefee, CIO of Schumacher Group (Part 5)
. Doug Menefee, CIO of Schumacher Group (Part 6)
. Doug Menefee, CIO of Schumacher Group (Part 7)
. Doug Menefee, CIO of Schumacher Group (Part 8)
. Doug Menefee, CIO of Schumacher Group (Part 9)
. Rick Blaisdell, CTO Of ConnectEDU (Part 1)
. Rick Blaisdell, CTO Of ConnectEDU (Part 2)
. Rick Blaisdell, CTO Of ConnectEDU (Part 3)
. Rick Blaisdell, CTO Of ConnectEDU (Part 4)
. Rick Blaisdell, CTO Of ConnectEDU (Part 5)
. Rick Blaisdell, CTO Of ConnectEDU (Part 6)
. Rick Blaisdell, CTO Of ConnectEDU (Part 7)
. Rick Blaisdell, CTO Of ConnectEDU (Part 8)
. Paul Wilcox, CIO of HMH Publishing (Part 1)
. Paul Wilcox, CIO of HMH Publishing (Part 2)
. Paul Wilcox, CIO of HMH Publishing (Part 3)
. Laef Olson, CIO Of RightNow (Part 1)
. Paul Wilcox, CIO of HMH Publishing (Part 4)
. Laef Olson, CIO of RightNow (Part 2)
. Paul Wilcox, CIO of HMH Publishing (Part 5)
. Paul Wilcox, CIO of HMH Publishing (Part 6)
. Laef Olson, CIO of RightNow (Part 3)
. Paul Wilcox, CIO of HMH Publishing (Part 7)
. Laef Olson, CIO of RightNow (Part 4)
. Laef Olson, CIO Of RightNow (Part 5)
. Laef Olson, CIO of RightNow (Part 6)
. Laef Olson, CIO of RightNow (Part 7)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO Of IndiaInfoline (Part 1)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO Of IndiaInfoline (Part 2)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO Of IndiaInfoline (Part 3)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO Of IndiaInfoline (Part 4)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO Of IndiaInfoline (Part 5)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO Of IndiaInfoline (Part 6)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO Of IndiaInfoline (Part 7)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO Of IndiaInfoline (Part 8)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO Of IndiaInfoline (Part 9)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO of IndiaInfoline (Part 10)
. Sankarson Banerjee, CIO of IndiaInfoline (Part 11)
. Judy Spitz, CIO Of Verizon (Part 1)
. Judy Spitz, CIO Of Verizon (Part 2)
. Judy Spitz, CIO Of Verizon (Part 3)
. Judy Spitz, CIO of Verizon (Part 4)
. Judy Spitz, CIO of Verizon (Part 5)
. Judy Spitz, CIO of Verizon (Part 6)
. Judy Spitz, CIO of Verizon (Part 7)
. Judy Spitz, CIO of Verizon (Part 8)
. Klaus-Michael Vogelberg, CTO Of Sage Group Plc, Newcastle (Part 1)
. Klaus-Michael Vogelberg, CTO Of Sage Group Plc, Newcastle (Part 2)
. Klaus-Michael Vogelberg, CTO Of Sage Group Plc, Newcastle (Part 3)
. Klaus-Michael Vogelberg, CTO Of Sage Group Plc, Newcastle (Part 4)
. Klaus-Michael Vogelberg, CTO Of Sage Group Plc, Newcastle (Part 5)
. Klaus-Michael Vogelberg, CTO Of Sage Group Plc, Newcastle (Part 6)
. Klaus-Michael Vogelberg, CTO Of Sage Group Plc, Newcastle (Part 6)
. Mark Egan, CIO Of VMware (Part 1)
. Mark Egan, CIO Of VMware (Part 2)
. Mark Egan, CIO Of VMware (Part 3)
. Mark Egan, CIO Of VMware (Part 4)
. Mark Egan, CIO Of VMware (Part 5)
. Mark Egan, CIO Of VMware (Part 6)
. Mark Egan, CIO Of VMware (Part 7)
. Chris Burchett, CIO Of Credant Technologies (Part 1)
. Chris Burchett, CIO Of Credant Technologies (Part 2)
. Chris Burchett, CIO Of Credant Technologies (Part 3)
. Chris Burchett, CIO Of Credant Technologies (Part 4)
. Chris Burchett, CIO Of Credant Technologies (Part 5)
. Chris Burchett, CIO Of Credant Technologies (Part 6)
. Chris Burchett, CIO Of Credant Technologies (Part 7)
. Mandy Edwards, CIO Of Sitel (Part 1)
. Mandy Edwards, CIO Of Sitel (Part 2)
. Mandy Edwards, CIO Of Sitel (Part 3)
. Mandy Edwards, CIO Of Sitel (Part 4)
. Mandy Edwards, CIO Of Sitel (Part 5)
. Mandy Edwards, CIO Of Sitel (Part 6)
. Mandy Edwards, CIO Of Sitel (Part 7)
. Diane Bryant, CIO Of Intel (Part 1)
. Diane Bryant, CIO Of Intel (Part 2)
. Diane Bryant, CIO Of Intel (Part 3)
. Diane Bryant, CIO Of Intel (Part 4)
. Diane Bryant, CIO Of Intel (Part 5)
. Diane Bryant, CIO Of Intel (Part 6)
. Diane Bryant, CIO Of Intel (Part 7)
. Frank Modruson, CIO of Accenture (Part 1)
. Frank Modruson, CIO of Accenture (Part 2)
. Frank Modruson, CIO of Accenture (Part 3)
. Frank Modruson, CIO of Accenture (Part 4)
. Frank Modruson, CIO of Accenture (Part 5)
. Frank Modruson, CIO of Accenture (Part 6)
. Frank Modruson, CIO of Accenture (Part 7)
. Frank Modruson, CIO of Accenture (Part 8)
. Frank Modruson, CIO of Accenture (Part 9)
. Jay Leader CIO, Of iRobot (Part 1)
. Jay Leader CIO, Of iRobot (Part 2)
. Jay Leader CIO, Of iRobot (Part 3)
. Jay Leader CIO, Of iRobot (Part 4)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 1)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 2)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 3)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 4)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 5)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 6)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 7)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 8)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 9)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 10)
. Marc Ferrentino, CTA Of Salesforce (Part 11)
. Steven John, Strategic CIO Of Workday (Part 1)
. Steven John, Strategic CIO Of Workday (Part 2)
. Steven John, Strategic CIO Of Workday (Part 3)
. Steven John, Strategic CIO Of Workday (Part 4)
. Steven John, Strategic CIO Of Workday (Part 5)
. Steven John, Strategic CIO Of Workday (Part 6)
. Steven John, Strategic CIO Of Workday (Part 7)
. Steven John, Strategic CIO Of Workday (Part 8)
. Dan Raju, CIO Of TradeKing (Part 1)
. Dan Raju, CIO Of TradeKing (Part 2)
. Dan Raju, CIO Of TradeKing (Part 3)
. Dan Raju, CIO Of TradeKing (Part 4)
. Dan Raju, CIO Of TradeKing (Part 5)
. Dan Raju, CIO Of TradeKing (Part 6)
. Dan Raju, CIO Of TradeKing (Part 7)
. Willie Tejada, Senior VP And GM Of The Enterprise Cloud Division, Akamai (Part 1)
. Willie Tejada, Senior VP And GM Of The Enterprise Cloud Division, Akamai (Part 2)
. Willie Tejada, Senior VP And GM Of The Enterprise Cloud Division, Akamai (Part 3)
. Willie Tejada, Senior VP And GM Of The Enterprise Cloud Division, Akamai (Part 4)
. Willie Tejada, Senior VP And GM Of The Enterprise Cloud Division, Akamai (Part 5)
. Willie Tejada, Senior VP And GM Of The Enterprise Cloud Division, Akamai (Part 6)
. Willie Tejada, Senior VP And GM Of The Enterprise Cloud Division, Akamai (Part 7)
. Willie Tejada, Senior VP And GM Of The Enterprise Cloud Division, Akamai (Part 8)
. Social CRM and Crowd Sourcing
. Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer, Dell (Part 1)
. The Move To Cut Costs
. Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer, Dell (Part 2)
. Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer, Dell (Part 3)
. Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer, Dell (Part 4)
. Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer, Dell (Part 5)
. Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer, Dell (Part 6)
. Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer, Dell (Part 7)
. Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer, Dell (Part 8)
. Jim Stikeleather, Chief Innovation Officer, Dell (Part 9)
. Jon Freeman, CIO of MyCroft, Inc. (Part 1)

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