My new Forbes column, Weapon Of Mass Reconstruction, is one that Barack Obama and John McCain should read for a much-needed education on entrepreneurship and economic policy.
Obama’s speech at last night’s Democratic National Convention was fabulous, although he still exhibits a colossal ignorance of economics and small business issues. He makes some really stupid statements like, “I will reduce capital gains taxes for small business.” Well, small businesses don’t pay capital gains taxes. Rich/affluent people who “invest”, take the risks, and make startups and entrepreneurship possible, do. And he plans to tax them more than ever before. This will choke up entrepreneurship, precisely what he wants not to do. Someone needs to sit him down and give him a lesson on entrepreneurial finance. Frustrating.
McCain, on the other hand, just lost me this morning with his Palin pick. I was hoping he would pick Romney, who does know a thing or two about economics, and could have re-engineered “businesses” like healthcare and education with the savvy of an operating executive. Oh well!
This segment is a part in the series : Forbes Column 08