Over the last few months, my usual trend spotting nose has spotted a couple of interesting trends:
(1) CarTech: Well, I just coined this word. Cars, it seems, want to become more tech savvy, and hence, the penetration of IT into them is becoming substantially more crucial. Yelp, for instance, wants to be integrated into cars, and it appears that car vendors are responding eagerly.
Recommended Reading: Thought Leaders in Mobile and Social: Chris Ruff, CEO of UIEvolution | Outsourcing: Ravi Pandit, CEO of KPIT Cummins
(2) Enterprise Commerce: Enterprise SaaS vendors like Concur and Rearden Commerce are becoming significant channels for commerce. The most interesting effect of this transition is the fact that their revenue models could expand to include transaction revenues, beyond subscription revenues. Concur, for example, manages the travel expense reporting process for businesses large and small. They have detailed insights into what people’s travel preferences are, as well as into corporate policy. They can place precise offers from travel vendors consistently, and at the point of purchase. The opportunity is not lost on either Concur or on the travel vendors looking for differentiated ways of engaging with business travelers.
Recommended Reading: Thought Leaders in Cloud Computing: Steve Singh, CEO of Concur | 1M/1M Incubation Radar: Quadmo
Hope you find it useful to investigate these trends.
This segment is a part in the series : Trend Spotting