

Bootstrapping Using Services: Krishna Kumar, CEO of AppOrchid (Part 4)

Posted on Saturday, Jul 19th 2014

Sramana: So how have you been able to build a product by combining the Internet of Things, People and Processes?

Krishna Kumar: We have an intelligence layer that sits on top of all of these three components and allows you to build applications on top of that. For example, we are working with an organic retailer in California where we have video sensors that are capturing the movement of brick and mortar customers. This can then be combined with QR core technology to the social persona of that person. All of a sudden, you have a real amalgamation of the brick and mortar world and the social media world. You have an imprint of what that person is likely to buy, which isle they are shopping in and where they are shopping.

Sramana: How do you identify someone from a video and correlate that to a social graph of that person?

Krishna Kumar: There are three products we offer by virtue of which we execute this; Vulcan-UX, Agora, and Cloud Seer. One thing I learned very well, which is a good lesson for entrepreneurs as well, is make sure the visual appeal is compelling. The backend does not matter if the visual appeal solves a business problem. The response from the customer will be much higher.
Vulcan-UX is a very UX savvy presentation layer. Agora is our data science and a machine learning engine. Cloud Seer is our cloud enablement product. These three products come together with the video stream. We work with third party vendors to suck in the video stream so we know what isle the person is in. Vulcan-UX is a device agnostic platform, so it can run on multiple form factors. Then there is an app that has a QR code in it. In the isles, there are different QR code readers. When the QR swipe happens, we correlate the swipe with video to know who did that swipe. We call that Q-Link.

What is the probability that in a retail outlet of 100 people, 2 people would be scanning at the exact same second? The odds are low. Within reasonable accuracy, you can correlate physical presence with their social profile. That is how we do the tie in. Within reason, we can do the correlation.

Sramana: What is the action that you are trying to get the retailer to take once you correlate what is happening in the isle with the social profile of the customer?

Krishna Kumar: Right now, we are in Phase 1, which is the profiling aspect. We are working towards Phase 2. We want to use artificial intelligence to get into the shoppers’ head. We want to try and understand what their preferences and shopping profiles are. In 20 months, we should have a profile of what they have purchased. A lot of the purchases tend to be periodic. There is a level of predictability that you can enforce into his shopping behavior.

The retailer could start to give personalized promotions. If anything, that trend is going to keep growing. This strategy fits perfectly there. Retailers can also use this information to perfect the positioning of their merchandise.

This segment is part 4 in the series : Bootstrapping Using Services: Krishna Kumar, CEO of AppOrchid
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