A profound analysis of economic development potential as seen from a purely capitalistic viewpoint, one that I subscribe to and believe in.
by C.K. Prahalad and Stuart L. Hart
In this context, I also encourage you to read my articles Sequoia Enters Microfinance, Microfranchise for Venture Investment and
Dave Stoker’s series on Microfranchise:
* Beyond Microfinance
* The Vision of Microfranchising
* Grameen on Microfranchising
* Microfranchise: Early Adopters
* Microfranchise : Endless Possibilities
* Microfranchise : Financing Growth
* Research on Microfranchising
* Microfranchising : Future Needs
I have also done a few interviews which you would enjoy, one with Prof. Raj Reddy at CMU and another with Harish Hande, CEO of Selco, an energy services company focused on the poverty sector. And my interview with Chris Brookfield of Unitus offers a close-up view of financing microfinance from the perspective of a venture capital firm.
Finally, you can watch Nobel Laureate Md. Yunus speaking at Berkeley on this video.