Conclusion Gannett realizes that consumers are changing the way they access content every day, and advertisers are working hard to find the best ways to reach them. The Company is looking at enhancing its core assets and building digital businesses, designed to provide solutions for both consumers and advertisers. The building of the various digital
Acquisition Targets Gannett doesn’t have much of a presence in the Online Personals or Dating space. It could look at acquiring a site as a large portion of the newspaper personals have shifted from print to the Internet and Gannett should preserve its share of the pie. Gannett could consider acquiring sites like, OkCupid, Engage,
Web 3.0 Framework discussion Below is a quick overview of the Web 3.0 framework for the Gannett sites. We have not gone into the details of all the properties, but you can review the Web 3.0 section of this site for detailed discussions on each vertical category. This segment also includes an overview of the
Introduction Gannett (GCI) publishes 85 daily newspapers, nearly 1,000 non-daily publications and 23 television stations in the US. In the UK, Gannett publishes 17 daily newspapers and around 300 non-daily publications. Gannett’s popular newspaper USA TODAY with a circulation of 7.3 million is the US’s largest-selling newspaper. USA WEEKEND is a weekly newspaper with a
CareerBuilder founded in 1995, is owned by Gannett, Tribune, and McClatchy. It is a job site where users can search or post jobs and resumes, gather information about companies and seek career related advice from experts. The site has 400 million monthly page views and over 21 million monthly unique visitors. The site averages more
WSJ reports: “In a strategy shift, CNN, known primarily for national and international news, announced a deal that will allow it to offer more local news on its Web site and, it hopes, land a bigger slice of the fast-growing market for local online ads. The deal, with Internet Broadcasting, a privately held Minneapolis-based company
In April 2007, Yahoo! entered in an alliance with McClatchy for online advertising. Yahoo! already has an agreement with a consortium of 12 newspapers and the current deal represents more than 264 newspapers across 44 states. McClatchy has discarded its plans of setting up a similar online ad partnership with Gannett and Tribune and decided
For those of you following my Newspaper industry coverage, here’s an interesting set of statistics: