Sramana Mitra: We’ve talked about the who. What happens in the what? I’m doing this manually. I don’t have a big system like yours protecting me. I do have enough experience to know that this doesn’t make sense. I check the email address. Then I check the offer, eyeball, and pass. What are the heuristics of the what?
Eyal Benishti: Just to be clear, with AI, ML, and the new way of doing things, humans will always be part of the solution. With a solution like IRONSCALES, AI can do 99% of the job. It can do very impressive things when it comes to prediction and predicting things that it has never seen before.
>>>We all understand Phishing. Eyal has built a fast-growth company addressing this ubiquitous nuisance.
Sramana Mitra: Tell us about yourself and IRONSCALES.
Eyal Benishti: I’m the Founder and CEO of IRONSCALES. We mitigate the risk of email phishing that businesses face today. We offer simplicity and speed for accelerated visibility for all types of phishing attacks especially those that get past traditional security. We are the fastest-growing email security today. We know how to harness the power of the cloud.
>>>Sramana Mitra: There’s a part of your story that I resonate with – having a corporate number that doesn’t move around. Some other employee mans that number. When the customer calls that number, they’re bound to get somebody. That is very compelling.
Permit me to play the devil’s advocate. I think your story is more compelling when you use that value proposition than all this trust and employees combining devices. It’s a very hairy area. The reason you hear me interacting with you to this extent on this topic is that I have worked on a company within our program that went through this issue.
>>>Sramana Mitra: I’ve talked to some CEOs who are in that business as well. Key employers are keen to monitor what employees are doing on their time. They want to see what are the activities on the device. You get into this thing about the employees’ devices being monitored by software that the employer is putting in. That’s how employees are getting around that – getting another computer.
Ananth Siva: That’s a fair comment. Fortunately for us, all our customers have seen that we have that ethical wall created, for example in Microsoft InTune, Blackberry Dynamics, and WhatsApp Business from Movius. Enterprise financial services customers have all been able to give their employees the opportunity to have a business interaction that doesn’t cross the wall. This has been validated.
>>>Sramana Mitra: Just to play devil’s advocate, there are plenty of businesses that are not on T Mobile. If you wanted to get to those businesses, working with those carriers would make perfect sense.
Ananth Siva: That’s how we approached this in the first place that might be the case. If you look at the client base that we have, some have already been quoted in the press. You probably have enough connections to ring a few of the Wall Street banks and if you ask them how they are solving the SEC problem today, they will tell you that they made one decision.
>>>Sramana Mitra: Do you call yourselves an identity management firm?
Ananth Siva: We are more of a secure communication platform that uses key carrier partner networks. In the US, T Mobile is our strategic partner. We only work with T Mobile, but our service is deployed across any underlying device. Then we wrapped it with some AI capability. We are now an AI-powered secure communication company that allows employees to interact with their customers on a number that is separate from the person.
>>>Movius is doing something very interesting in the Cloud-based Communication space to decouple the phone number of an employee from the device and the number it is attached to. You will encounter the use cases and the rationale in this interview. Cool stuff!
Sramana Mitra: Let’s start at the beginning and introduce you to our audience.
>>>Sramana Mitra: Tell me a bit about your company. Is it venture-funded?
John Wu: We’re a customer-funded company. We view our customers as our partners in this. We have done several successful equity crowdfunding rounds in the last few years. We raised over $11 million in past rounds. A lot of it came from our customers who believe in what we’re doing. When you talk about how you’re getting the word out, that’s one of the ways.
Sramana Mitra: Which equity crowdfunding platform did you work on?