

Business Incubators

Business Incubator Series: Bruce Wright And Molly Gilbert, Arizona Center for Innovation – Tucson (Part 2)

Posted on Wednesday, May 11th 2011

By guest authors Irina Patterson and Candice Arnold

Irina: Does your incubator service the entire local community?

Bruce: Yes. We focus primarily on University of Arizona faculty and students, but about half of our companies come from the community. We’re open to any technology startup.

Irina: Would you describe the ideal company that would benefit from your incubation?

Bruce: I think that any company that is trying to take a technology product, service or idea to the market would benefit from what we do. We’re not a general-purpose incubator. We’re really focused on technology, partly because of our affiliation with the university and the kinds of expertise and facilities we can bring in. >>>

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Business Incubator Series: Bruce Wright And Molly Gilbert, Arizona Center for Innovation – Tucson (Part 1)

Posted on Monday, May 9th 2011

By guest authors Irina Patterson and Candice Arnold

I am talking to Bruce Wright and Molly Gilbert, both of whom are with the University of Arizona Office of University Research Parks (OURP).

Bruce Wright is associate vice president of OURP. He directs the office and serves as the CEO of the University of Arizona (U of A) Science and Technology Park and Arizona Bioscience Park. He is also president of both the Arizona Center for Innovation (AzCI) and the Campus Research Corporation (CRC).

Molly Gilbert is deputy director of OURP. She leads strategic initiatives there and serves as project manager for the Arizona Bioscience Park.

Our conversation is primarily focused on the Arizona Center for Innovation, the university’s technology business incubator. >>>

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Business Incubator Series: Troy Henikoff, Excelerate Labs – Chicago, Illinois (Part 10)

Posted on Saturday, May 7th 2011

By guest authors Irina Patterson and Candice Arnold

Irina: What are your daily personal challenges? What do you think could help you to be more effective?

Troy: You mean other than having 48 hours in the day?

Irina: Yes, other than time limitations.

Troy: My role is overseeing the operations of Excelerate. More important, it’s working one-on-one with the companies. I have weekly meetings with the companies that are formalized. >>>

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Business Incubator Series: Troy Henikoff, Excelerate Labs – Chicago, Illinois (Part 9)

Posted on Saturday, May 7th 2011

By guest authors Irina Patterson and Candice Arnold

Troy: We have a rigorous curriculum. We make a huge degree of use of the mentors. We do have some other services around, for example, as I mentioned, pro bono legal for their business conversion [to the right corporate structure]. >>>

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Business Incubator Series: Troy Henikoff, Excelerate Labs – Chicago, Illinois (Part 8)

Posted on Thursday, May 5th 2011

By guest authors Irina Patterson and Candice Arnold

Irina: What advice do you usually give to those who are not accepted in your program?

Troy: We e-mailed everybody who applied, thanking them for applying and encouraging them in the best way we can in terms of acknowledging that we may have made a mistake. There are a bunch of things that we’re trying to do to further leverage Excelerate’s place in the marketplace to help not just the 10 that we accept, but also the hundreds that apply. >>>

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Business Incubator Series: Troy Henikoff, Excelerate Labs – Chicago, Illinois (Part 7)

Posted on Wednesday, May 4th 2011

By guest authors Irina Patterson and Candice Arnold

Irina: Did TechStars implement their universal application idea that David Cohen discussed with me when I interviewed him?

Troy: TechStars is working with the Kauffman Foundation on implementing it.  They are working on it.

Irina: How do you process your applications?

Troy: We get hundreds of applications every year. I don’t think the process is perfect. We do the best we can. We have to balance – and this is sort of like entrepreneurship – there’s a saying, “Don’t let perfect get in the way of good.” When you’re launching company, if you want the company to be perfect, you’ll never actually launch it. You’ll always be working on your product. You’ll be internally focused. You’ll miss the opportunity. >>>

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Business Incubator Series: Troy Henikoff, Excelerate Labs – Chicago, Illinois (Part 6)

Posted on Monday, May 2nd 2011

By guest authors Irina Patterson and Candice Arnold

Troy: The ecosystem is ripe for high-tech startups in Chicago.  We have great universities.  There are more Fortune 500 companies based here in Chicago than in any other metropolitan area, so – on the B2B side – we have the businesses to sell to. >>>

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Business Incubator Series: Troy Henikoff, Excelerate Labs – Chicago, Illinois (Part 5)

Posted on Sunday, May 1st 2011

By guest authors Irina Patterson and Candice Arnold

Irina: What are the core benefits that your accelerator provides?

Troy: Here’s the way I look at it. There’s been a debate for years about whether entrepreneurs are born or whether they’re taught. I actually think the right answer is a hybrid. My belief is that there’re some personality characteristics that most entrepreneurs share. Not all. You can definitely find exceptions. >>>

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