

Business Incubators

Entrepreneur: How Long Should You Work For FREE?

Posted on Tuesday, Jan 10th 2012

By guest author Irina Patterson

Have you seen this? Entrepreneurs labor for years on their ideas and can’t sell their products because they have no customers.

They essentially work for free, drawing on their savings or their family and friends’ support. >>>

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Entrepreneur: Is Your Business Fundable?

Posted on Tuesday, Jan 3rd 2012

By guest author Irina Patterson

Have you seen this? Entrepreneurs seek funding year after year, only to never get funded. Have you wondered why? It’s simple: Most likely, it is because their business is not fundable.

What does this mean? Some businesses will just never be venture fundable, no matter what their entrepreneurs do. The only way to build them is by alternative financing. >>>

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How One Entrepreneur Can Create a Big Shift for Your Incubator

Posted on Wednesday, Dec 28th 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

One incubator manager came up with a brilliant idea.

He said, “Irina, I’ll select one entrepreneur – the most suitable for 1M/1M from my incubator, and I will let you talk to him. If he signs up, we’ll have our 1M/1M pilot entrepreneur. He will share his 1M/1M experience with the rest of our entrepreneurs and off we’ll go.”

“Brilliant,” I said. “My cell is 786-301-2456 and my Skype is irina_patterson. I am standing by, ready to talk … most important, I am ready to listen.” >>>

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Vikrant Mathur: Why Joining 1M/1M Was The Best $1,000 I Ever Spent

Posted on Tuesday, Dec 27th 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

Vikrant Mathur learned about 1M/1M in early 2010 through a friend. They went to INSEAD together.

In 2010, Vikrant’s company had already operated for four years without much external advice. It became a popular destination for food- and recipe-related video content. Now, Vikrant was ready to scale his company up. >>>

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Why Did Dan Stewart Join 1M/1M?

Posted on Saturday, Dec 17th 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

Dan Stewart came upon 1M/1M by pure luck. A friend referred Dan, a Florida entrepreneur, to one of Sramana’s roundtable recordings. He watched it and liked it.

Why did he join 1M/1M? He had grown frustrated with his efforts at a previous startup. >>>

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Incubators: Who Are Your Local Heroes?

Posted on Wednesday, Dec 14th 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

Tell us who some of the successful entrepreneurs in your region are. We want to share their stories with the world. >>>

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Entrepreneur: Have You Talked To Your Prospects Today?

Posted on Wednesday, Dec 7th 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

You should. The sooner you talk to them, the faster you’ll succeed.

Don’t think that you need to build your product first. Not talking to your prospects will lead to a product that’s hard to sell. >>>

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Why We Support “Non-fundable” Entrepreneurs

Posted on Friday, Dec 2nd 2011

By guest author Irina Patterson

Have you seen business ideas with a market size of a few million dollars? Entrepreneurs go to investors, who tell them it’s a bad idea.

Bad indeed for investors to invest in. But even a $1 million dollar business could be a life-changing event for a first-time entrepreneur. His family. Her community. >>>

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