By guest author Irina Patterson
The greatest challenge that entrepreneurs face in building businesses is to set up effective customer acquisition methods.
At 1M/1M, we have been helping our entrepreneurs to set up compelling channels, be it in reaching large enterprises or small, entrepreneurial companies. >>>
By guest author Irina Patterson
If you are running a business incubator or any other entrepreneur-supporting organization, we at 1M/1M would like to hear from you. To share with us your thoughts, you can simply finish any of these sentences: >>>
By guest author Irina Patterson
If you are running an incubator, you are always on the lookout for quality entrepreneurs to incubate, right?
At 1M/1M we have designed a process that could deliver high-quality entrepreneurs for your incubator right from your own backyard. >>>
By guest author Irina Patterson
Here is why. The $1,000 annual fee is really about commitment. What we are saying is we are committed to supporting you and your business development for the entire year.
Are you committed to working with us for at least a year? >>>
By guest author Irina Patterson
One of the best ways for a business incubator to leverage the 1M/1M Program is to organize meetups around our weekly roundtables, which are held at 8 a.m. Pacific time each Thursday. >>>
By guest author Irina Patterson
Let’s see . . . Are you able to pay $750 an hour or $5,000 a day? Most likely not.
Most entrepreneurs we see are not at the stage were they have the resources to pay that kind of private consulting fees.
But here is the good news. With a little creativity, you can derive a great deal of value from the 1M/1M Premium program at only $1,000 a year. No need to spend big consulting bucks at this stage. >>>
By guest author Irina Patterson
Not every business fits the angel financing model. Angels are looking for businesses that can scale rapidly to at least $30 million in revenue so that they can get the five- to tenfold return on their money. >>>
At the 1M/1M Premium Program, we believe in pilots. We believe in quick testing to make sure that our assumptions are correct, and then we scale rapidly. >>>