In case you missed it, you can listen to the recording of this roundtable here:
Sramana Mitra: What about geography? What’s comfortable?
Preeti Rathi: From a geography perspective, we’re really focused on companies right here in the US. Given our model of working hand in hand with our portfolio companies, we basically will wear whatever hat our portfolio companies require us to wear. You need help with strategy, we’ll do that with you. It’s really important that the company is not too far off from a geography perspective. So, we’re primarily focused on the US.
Sramana Mitra: But US is big territory. >>>
During this week’s roundtable, we had as our guest David Lambert, Managing Director at Right Side Capital Management, a firm that invests small chunks of capital in capital efficient ventures. The firm is very much in line with the Bootstrapping to Exit philosophy we’ve been discussing.
As for entrepreneur pitches, up first we had Ajay Nagar from Frisco, Texas, pitching Mopstar. The company has started generating small amounts of revenue from early customers, and shows good early promise.
Responding to a popular request, we are now sharing transcripts of our investor podcast interviews in this new series. The following interview with Preeti Rathi was recorded in January 2019.
Preeti Rathi, Partner at Ignition Partners, discusses the changing dynamics of seed investing.
Sramana Mitra: Tell us a bit about yourself as well as acquaint our audience with Ignition Partners. >>>
Sramana Mitra: But that’s not the basis of the Indian BPO industry. Indian BPO industry has to do exactly what you’re doing with technology – to automate how to outsource all these routine mundane tasks.
Ondrej Bartos: I do agree. Also, BPO is already not among the top verticals that UiPath is going after. But I still believe that it’s an interesting proposition to the BPO industry as well.
Sramana Mitra: I have a lot of thoughts on this because I’ve long believed that the entire BPO industry is going to disappear because of automation. I think UiPath is a very good example of a company that’s going to enable that transition. Sooner or later it will happen. >>>
Sramana Mitra: What’s been UiPath’s strategy? Have they set up in Silicon Valley very early on? What is their geographical location and headquarters? How was the company’s run from a scaling perspective?
Ondrej Bartos: The truth is that they started expanding fairly early on. They started with two territories. One is the US. It’s not the Silicon Valley but New York. It’s the East Coast. For a company like UiPath, it may make sense because they focus on the big Fortune 500 companies as potential customers. The East Coast is a good option. >>>
Sramana Mitra: Where are they getting traction in terms of customers? I assume they’re going after enterprise customers. Where? What segment? What kind of use cases are they getting the most traction in?
Ondrej Bartos: This is very different from then and now. UiPath is now is a company with over 2,000 employees with nine-digit recurring revenues. I believe it’s around $180 million ARR these days. Back then, we thought that the most logical way to start would be financial services and BPO’s. Those were the segment that we went after. >>>
Sramana Mitra: If you can get a concept validated and moving to some extent, you can sort of do the very early stage in Central Europe. You can always raise more money and set up a second headquarters here in Silicon Valley and get that access. The bridge between India and Silicon Valley has become really powerful.
There are a lot of companies who are operating in this mode. I just don’t see any reason why Europe can’t do that or replicate that. It’s not as solid. The European connection to Silicon Valley isn’t as solid as the Indian connection, but it should be.
Ondrej Bartos: I agree with what you said. Truth is that globalization is progressing. In some places, startups are more likely to be a successful enterprise software company. In some other places, it’s more likely to build a successful consumer play. I totally agree that it’s possible. >>>