

Seed Capital

1Mby1M Virtual Accelerator AI Investor Forum: With Venktesh Shukla, Founder and Managing Partner at Monta Vista Capital (Part 1)

Posted on Monday, Oct 28th 2024

Venktesh Shukla, Founder and Managing Partner at Monta Vista Capital, discusses why he wants to see Human-in-the-Loop Generative AI startups. We’re hearing this a lot right now.

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1Mby1M Virtual Accelerator AI Investor Forum: With Investor Gus Tai (Part 4)

Posted on Friday, Oct 25th 2024

Sramana Mitra: As an aside, I think the human-centric aspect of AI can actually turn out to be a very beneficial factor in healthcare, just because it’s a natural propensity for human beings who are in need of care to want another human being to be taking care of them; not a robot, not a digital persona. So, I think this may be at the end of the day in an industry that can be augmented by AI – the training and the ability to care will be powered by AI. However, there is also the human aspect – the compassion and the care aspect that can, if we can make it survive from an economics point of view, make the industry become a far more efficient and better quality care industry.

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1Mby1M Virtual Accelerator AI Investor Forum: With Investor Gus Tai (Part 3)

Posted on Thursday, Oct 24th 2024

Sramana Mitra: Now, I’m going to take this logic a little bit in uncharted territory. I think the most important impact of AI is in healthcare. We’re going to have a planet of 10 billion people to service from a healthcare perspective. So let’s just do back of the envelope Math. Let’s just assume that we need a 100 million trained doctors to be able to cater to that large population. We’ll probably need some 10 million hospitals and clinics to be able to manage that whole function.

So, is it possible that we can do that with AI?

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1Mby1M Virtual Accelerator AI Investor Forum: With Investor Gus Tai (Part 2)

Posted on Wednesday, Oct 23rd 2024

Sramana Mitra: So, coming back to entrepreneurship and investment in tech ventures, for the last 30 years that the venture capital industry has been active, as an industry, we have said services companies such as ad agencies, marketing agencies, IT services, legal services, architectural services, and wealth management services are not venture fundable companies. These are not scalable opportunities.

But human-centric AI and AI’s ability to really enhance a human being in doing some of the activities involving these services companies actually raises the question, should we start investing in these companies now?

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1Mby1M Virtual Accelerator AI Investor Forum: With Investor Gus Tai (Part 1)

Posted on Tuesday, Oct 22nd 2024

At a recent roundtable, we had Gus Tai, Investor, Board Member and Retired General Partner at Trinity Ventures discuss the implications of human-centric AI, white spaces, comparables, and more.

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1Mby1M Virtual Accelerator AI Investor Forum: With Gaurav Chaturvedi, Partner at Kae Capital (Part 2)

Posted on Saturday, Oct 19th 2024

Sramana Mitra: Okay. The reason I’m asking this question Gaurav is, so as you know, AI is easier to control in a more constrained mode. The more degrees of freedom you give it, the more it is difficult to control all the issues like hallucination and precision. AI has a tendency to make things up and go a little bit haywire. I’m very curious about what is going to happen when this is actually operating in real world scenarios and how are they constraining?

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1Mby1M Virtual Accelerator AI Investor Forum: With Gaurav Chaturvedi, Partner at Kae Capital (Part 1)

Posted on Friday, Oct 18th 2024

Gaurav Chaturvedi, Partner at Kae Capital, discusses the trends he is seeing in the Indian startup ecosystem.

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1Mby1M Virtual Accelerator AI Investor Forum: With Ashish Gupta, Partner at Clearvision Ventures (Part 4)

Posted on Thursday, Oct 17th 2024

Sramana Mitra: So what of platforms and this euphoria – this absurd amounts of funding that are going into a handful of very large platform companies? How do you analyze them? I can understand that you don’t want to invest in them.

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