We have had lots of discussions about Enterprise 3.0. In this interview, I will be speaking with Ken Rudin, CEO of Lucidera, a young company attempting to become a leader in the massive Business Intelligence market by applying Enterprise 3.0 principles. Readers, note that Ken is an experienced serial entrepreneur, and you will learn much by paying attention to how Ken tells his story.
SM: Please describe your personal background : Family, upbringing, early career, etc. leading up to LucidEra.
KR: I was born and raised in New York as the youngest of three siblings. Whereas everyone today talks about the prevalence of “dysfunctional families” in our country, I think I must have been blessed by being part of one of the few “functional families” in America.
When I went to school, I remember thinking that learning should be fun. I had some great teachers who really inspired me. I also had other teachers who were very strict and rigid, and I tended to be a little rebellious in their classes. They never knew what to do with me, because I got good grades, but they had difficulty keeping me under control in their class!
Despite frustrating a few teachers along the way, I did graduate high school and then went to Harvard to get a degree in computer science and electrical engineering. After graduation, I (and nearly all of my graduating computer science classmates) ended up joining Oracle in 1987. I worked on some great products there, including managing the team that delivered the first version of the Oracle Parallel Server.
It was at Oracle that I got my first exposure to what was becoming known as Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing. A lot of customers were using the Oracle Parallel Server to store their massive data warehouses, so as I worked with those customers I got exposed to, and fell in love with, the power of reporting and analysis, and the value it brings by giving a business an ability to understand what’s working and what isn’t.
[Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
[Part 4]
[Part 5]
[Part 6]
[Part 7]
[Part 8]
This segment is part 1 in the series : Taking on Business Intelligence: Lucidera CEO Ken Rudin
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