

Women & Web 3.0 (Part 1)

Posted on Monday, Jul 23rd 2007


Women have made their presence felt on the Internet and if you don’t believe it then check the numbers below. Today, 51.7% of Internet users are women and they are growing. In 2006 the total number of women online in the US was 93.9 million compared to 88 million males. According to eMarketer, currently there are around 97.2 million female Internet users and the numbers are expected to rise up to 109.7 million in 2011, constituting 51.9% of the total online population.

Internet usage of women

According to a survey conducted by Burst Media in June 2007, more than 54.5% of women online depend on Internet as their as their primary source of information compared to 9.9% on newspapers and magazines and 1.3% on radio. Mostly, women within the age group of 16 to 24 year-olds, young professionals and moms use the Internet. According to a research conducted by EIAA Digital Women in 2006, Internet usage among women has grown by 63% in Europe.

According to eMarketer, more than 32 million moms in the US go online everyday and the number is estimated to grow by 14% in the next five years. According to a research conducted by MediaBuyerPlanner in 2006, about 88 percent of moms depend on online magazines for parental guidance and advice; 86 percent of them make regular online purchases online. Moms online are a large and influential group. Among those shopping online, 51 percent spend on food, 49 percent on health and beauty aids, 48 percent of women spend on home furnishings and 47 percent splurge on clothing.

[Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
[Part 4]
[Part 5]

This segment is part 1 in the series : Women & Web 3.0
1 2 3 4 5

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